
Pimsoft Overview

Quick overview of the industry domains and specific applications that Pimsoft adresses with the use of Sigmafine.

Proof of Concept (POC)

Learn how Pimsoft can use a Proof of Concept given a context, that is well-defined andrun in a timely manner to demonstrate the tangible value of improved data quality.

Sigmafine Overview (SF)

Overview of Sigmafine a data validation platform and how it is used to transform apparently independent data and events into business information.

Sigmafine Meter Validation and Performance

Pimsoft gives you an easy way to validate your plant raw data and monitor your meters performance, by providing a validation tool to use in your sigmafine reconciliation process and a meter performance platform where to keep monitored importantr meters’ indexes.

Americas & APAC

Pimsoft Inc.
757 N. Eldridge Parkway, Suite 725
Houston, TX, 77079,  USA

Phone: +1 (281) 920-9196
Fax: +1 (281) 754-4421


Pimsoft S.p.A.
Corso Stati Uniti, 35
10129 Turin, ITALY

Phone: +39 011 5625213
Fax: +39 011 5637744

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